By clicking "Place your order", you agree to the policies listed below.
COVID-19 Social Contract
I acknowledge that I am aware of certain risks of participating in public events due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and that I am choosing to enter the venue my tickets are purchased for. I understand that by leaving my home, I am exposing myself to a greater risk of becoming infected with coronavirus, or of infecting other people. In order to do my part to not spread this virus, I agree to not enter the venue and to return home if (a) I have a temperature of 100.4 degrees or above, (b) the venue's medically trained professional determines that I may not safely enter the venue, or (c) there is reason to believe I carry the coronavirus despite the current absence of symptoms. If I enter the venue, I agree to strictly follow all health and safety rules the venue has posted, which are designed to protect patrons, workers, and performers. I understand MASKS are mandatory and I am expected to wear it at all times while attending the event.
Refund and Exchange Policy
There are no refunds or exchanges - all sales are final.